Healthier Options in The Food and Snacks Industry Worldwide

The 21st century has witnessed a lot of dramatic events starting from the introduction of the first iPod by Steve Jobs, to the stunning rave for hourglass body shapes as seen on the likes of Kim Kardashian. Remarkably, these happenings have intensely restructured people’s values and life choices.

More awareness on the importance of taking control of what one needs to lead a satisfactory life has been created, and there is obviously no going back on this landmark discovery.One of such requirements for a fulfilling life is diet. Food and snacks especially.

While food can be termed as the most important, all-encompassing meal intentionally taken for growth and development, snacks are taken in-between meals to sustain hunger and cure the boredom of the mouth. There appeared to be a relentless urge by the food and snack industry to feed the world’s populace with saturated fats and much carbohydrates through popular and tasty fast foods, and scantily clad vegetable burgers.

Nonetheless, the industry grew in leaps and bounds with more people eating their way to early outings executed behind emergency ambulances as a result of the increasing prevalence of health conditions, including cardiovascular diseases. The call for healthy foods and snacks became persistent; the internet served as a vehicle for transmitting the essence of eating healthy to live longer, TV and Radio stations lucratively entertained nutritionists and advocates who openly condemned cravings for foods meant for the incinerators.

The Change That Took Place In Dieting

As more food and snacks consumers grew in the knowledge they were fed with, almost on a daily basis, their choices for the right path to health through eating soon got extended. Therefore, many resorted to homemade foods and snacks packed with essential polyunsaturated fats, more proteins, more vegetables and of course, more water. With the migration came an awakening of the food and snacks industry all over the world, to the now popular demand for healthier options to life-shortening foods and snacks.

According to Nielsen Global Health & Wellness Survey, Q3 2014, 75% of the world population are consistently changing their diets in order to lose weight. More persons in the North American continent are quite dedicated in the art of weight loss through healthy eating, followed by the human inhabitants of Europe.

Strategies Adopted by The Food and Snacks Industry

In order to attract and keep consumers, the food and snacks industry has adopted strategies to ensure there is no deviation from the set route that leads to living in health. The strategies include:

• Pairing of beverages with fresh animal proteins as snacks

• Merging fruits, nuts and meats in one package

• Creating food options that gave vegans a chance to access their desired food types

• Advertising the need for healthy eating with catchy slogans in bright colors

• Utilizing attractive packages that are irresistible to consumers’ touch

With many stepping down on their chocolates and sugar consumption, most foods and snacks are now less-sweetened and more freshly packaged.

Fears that fast foods could poison health with extremely junk foods are not substantial anymore. Lots of fruits assembled and sold as snacks can be seen in almost every eatery. Smoothies consisting of the right combination of solid and squashy fruits or vegetables are notably processed at sight for ready consumption.

Therefore, as people increasingly become what they eat, the industry that saves the day through food and snacks, become more of partners in health.